Managed Services: Create Value with your IT Workforce

With the introduction of Information Technology into business processes, companies created dedicated IT departments to oversee these assets, and provide support to employees. As technology evolved, IT services expanded into every aspect of commerce. As a result, IT departments grew into large, permanently staffed siloes. This method of IT staffing is about to change and […]

Aligning Information Technology with Business Strategy

Using Information Technology as an implementation tool is a fine way to keep your business running. IT can reduce costs, improve communication, and enhance productivity. Unfortunately, many businesses are unable to fully realize the benefits of IT. If your business is serious about its long-term growth, IT must be more than just a tool. By […]

When The Good Go Bad: End Of Support For Acronis

Is Acronis Backup Reliable for Your Business? Pund-IT ending support due to tech issues. Switch to StorageCraft ShadowProtect for data safety. Upgrade & secure your business with us. #TechAboutIT.

Hello from your Neighbour ! We Moved-IT!

We grew in Kitchener-Waterloo and the move of our company’s office location from a small house in Uptown Waterloo to a sweet open concept office is officially complete! On Monday November 14th,2015, the pund-IT Techies officially moved in and are now the new kids on the 60 Ottawa block.  We needed to expand our office space to accommodate further […]